
Season’s Greetings & Holiday Operating Hours

We wish you a relaxing time with family and friends and a prosperous New Year! We look forward to being a part of it. Our offices will be closed from 23.12.2022 12pm to 2.01.2023. Emails will be answered promptly after the holidays.

Koch Claus-Jürgen

Welcome to the team!

We warmly welcome Claus-Jürgen Koch! As a Senior Consultant, he is now part of our team in Munich. Claus-Jürgen studied Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Quality Management and Business Administration. With around 20 years of experience in Quality Control and Quality Assurance, our customers are in safe hands.

Over to you Claus-Jürgen. How do you feel?

"I´m looking forward to teaming up with my new colleagues and hitting the ground running. I can´t wait to contribute my experience, learn lots and present a perfect result to our clients."

Headquarter Lörrach

PharmaKorell GmbH
Georges-Köhler-Str. 2
79539 Lörrach

Tel. +49 7621 949860



We support the work of Pharmacists Without Borders Germany e.V.



We support the foundation outpatient children hospice Munich.

Branch office Munich

PharmaKorell GmbH
Schleißheimer Str. 373
80935 München

Tel. +49 89 24883410

Contact in Switzerland

PharmaKorell GmbH
Lörracherstrasse 60
4125 Riehen/Basel

Tel. +41 79 1396748